=================================== Notice: This post has been modified for demonstration purposes. The original can be found here. If you've ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter — it can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. Fortunately, there's a way to get yourself back on your feet. What is writer's block? Writer's block can be described as a point where you can't seem to write anything — and the longer you suffer from it, the more serious it becomes. If you're having trouble coming up with ideas for your next novel, article, or any piece of writing whatsoever — this is all too familiar territory. But don't despair! Writer's block can be cured. Here are some tips on how to overcome it...1. Head for the nearest secluded place) Writer's block occurs when your brain is overloaded with ideas and concepts that it can no longer handle at once. If your brain is a car, say it has a maximum capacity of storing four seater cars in its trunk at one time. If it can't manage to fit any more in, you're going to have writer's block until the trunk's full again. In order to cure writer's block, you must get rid of these extra ideas and concepts that aren't meant to go into the trunk just yet. The best way to do this is by shutting yourself away somewhere secluded for a while. This allows your brain time to rest and process the things it needs to get rid of, so that when you return, you'll be able to write more freely. 2. Switch genre If you're having trouble writing a certain genre, writer's block is most likely to strike you in that particular area. This is because your brain doesn't know how to write something that it hasn't written before — at least not without a lot of extra effort and mental reprogramming. If you switch genres, then your brain will be forced to reprogram itself in order to write in this new area — and this process takes time, which leads us on to our next tip... 3. Don't rush One of the reasons why writer's block occurs is because writers often try to rush their writing. They aim to write a certain piece of work within a certain amount of time, but this isn't possible if you're having writer's block. Rushing will mean that your brain won't get the chance to get to know the new territory it needs to roam in, and this makes it more prone to confusion and mistakes... which can lead you into a lot of problems down the line. So just take your time when you're writing — if it takes you longer than usual, then that's okay! Write a few paragraphs here and there — don't just write straight through. 8eeb4e9f32 51
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